Tag Archives: school

Vivo en Buenos Aires

¡Hola chicos!

Saskia and I finally arrived in Buenos Aires. We have moved here to study Español for two weeks. We are living in a nice apartment in central BA (in the Microcenter), about 30 minutes walk to school.

Dining table.

We still find it a bit surreal to think that we are studying Spanish in Buenos Aires. It's exciting but the classes are challenging. All the teaching is in Spanish so very much jumping in the deep end. In fact, esta más difícil que cagar en un frasquito.

Still, it is nice to be here with our own place. It is only been two days of study so far but we have a routine: revision over breakfast, class from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm and then an afternoon activity with the school. The activities are good fun and mix sight seeing with learning.

The school we are studying with is called ELEBaires. It is situated within a magnificent 14 story stone and marble building. The architect that designed it was quite taken with Dante's Inferno and has designed the building based on the poem. Apparently there is a room for every verse and the tower on top represents Dante's description of the levels of hell. The entrance hall has bronze gargoyles and serpents across the ceiling. In short, this building is f***ing badass!

Palacio Barolo, home of our school.


Looking down on the entrance hall.

We love the elevators.

Will provide more stories on the weekend.

Hasta luego,

Dos Condors.